Kambaba Jasper 12mm coin dark green

Kambaba Jasper 12mm coin dark green
List Price per :
per 8" string
1 - 9
10 - 24
25 - 99
100 - +
Brand: Dakota
Natural Kambaba Jasper is a sedimentary stone comprised of microcrystalline Quartz interlaced with Stromatolites, ancient fossilized colonies of primeval microorganisms. Stromatolites date back more than three billion years and are the oldest known fossils. Kambaba Jasper is one of the more exotic Jaspers, sometimes referred to as Crocodile Jasper for its deep green color and deep brown or black oval rings reminiscent of crocodile skin.
Shape: coin
Size: 12mm
Color: dark green
Material: Kambaba Jasper
Finish: opaque
Origin: Africa
Brand: Dakota